Apologia Physical Science Home-school Curriculum I Hill Country Homestead

Apologia Physical Science Home-school Curriculum I Hill Country Homestead

I was compensated for your time and All opinions are honest. I was not required to post a positive review.

Apologia Physical Science

My favorite way to teach and explore physical science with younger children is to take them out to immerse themselves in hours of nature and exploration. As a child grows older deeper levels of investigation of the natural world are necessary. Apologia put together a comprehensive guide and introduction to the natural world. The Physical Science edition also comes with a student notebook. This is a wonderful feature with so many extras and organizational tools for the parent/teacher and student. I recommend reading through all the beneficial specifications in my previous Apologia blog on the Chemistry course.

Homeschool Science Curriculum for 6th - 9th grade

This Apologia course is a great introduction to science after elementary. I would recommend this course to a very studious middle school 6th grader up to freshman year of high school. Aiden is going into 9th grade and we will be working through this course because he had secular science last year and I would like him to start at the beginning of the three Apologia Science courses with Physical Science first. I'm looking forward to him getting to explore science differently than he has in public school with more depth and explanation than he would be able to get at church. The church is wonderful of course it’s just that our Sunday school teachers don’t always have time to go through chemical changes, formulas, and equations with biblical backing every Sunday!

Observations, Compounds, Atoms, Energy, Forces, Physics and our Earth

I am looking forward to the earth science module and the life sciences module. Of course, rocks and crystals are always a lot of fun to cover but plant cells, photosynthesis, earth structure, minerals, and landforms are so interesting to me. As we work through it I can predict Aiden will be more interested in electromagnetic force, chemical bonds, and gamma rays. At least I know there is something for us to both enjoy in this course, it should make it a breeze to get through! I highly recommend the student handbook to help deepen your child’s understanding of the text as they explore what God’s Word has to say about the workings of His creation.

Physical Science Review Conclusion

My children’s faith and understanding of God and his amazing creation is a priority in our homeschool, coursework comes second. Apologia makes it simple to have both while learning. God made everything, including science and it’s important to give our children a deeper understanding of these scientific truths when they are academically ready. This Apologia Physical Science course is a great introduction to the upper sciences. I wish every child had access to such rich information available for them to be able to learn science and specifically chemistry through the lens of the Lord! What a pleasure it would be to see this curriculum being taught in schools all over the world. You are blessing your children immensely in the world of science when you choose the Apologia curriculum and the kingdom and your teen will be better for it. Want a chance to win your own Apologia Physica Science curriculum and more? Enter below, two winners will be chosen. Good luck and happy homeschooling!


Two winners will be randomly chosen!

One will receive Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition, Advantage Set, including softcover textbook, Solutions and Tests Manual, and spiral-bound Student Notebook. ($119.95 value).

The other will receive Exploring Creation with Chemistry, 3rd Edition, SuperSet. This set includes softcover textbook, Solutions and Tests Manual, spiral-bound Student Notebook, and Video Instruction Thumb Drive, featuring Sherri Seligson as the instructor. ($319.95 value.)

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