Apologia Chemistry H.S. Home-school Curriculum Review I Hill Country Homestead

Apologia Chemistry H.S. Home-school Curriculum Review I Hill Country Homestead

I was compensated for my time and All opinions are honest. I was not required to post a positive review.

I love the subjects of reading, writing, history but not chemistry. As a student, I saw chemistry class as mystical, complex, and hard to understand without becoming completely immersed. So is our Savior. Chemistry was never presented to me as a faith-based. Apologia Chemistry strategically blends a deep understanding of chemistry as a course interwoven with God’s creation and it’s natural laws. This curriculum, for me, transformed chemistry from memorization of tables and missing pieces to a beautiful correlation between chemistry and my Creator.

“How great are your works Lord, how profound your thoughts!” Psalm 92:5

Homeschool High School Chemistry

My two oldest children have seen their share of public school science, the lessons where humans evolved from ape’s and the earth is millions of years old. Both of them have always been raised in a church and read their Bible stories. When we finally chose to homeschool both of them around middle school age I was so thankful to be able to bring them home and have open conversations about some of the theory's that had been presented to them as fact over the years. I was thankful to change the future of their approach to science in general and tend to their spiritual growth as well. The curriculum includes quick bits of information about relevant scientist’s faith views and how their view on faith impacted their consideration of science. Giving these quick references throughout the book gives the student enough background information to engage in relevant and effective conversations and commentary when it comes time to discuss their faith to others with opposing world views.

“By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” Hebrews 11:3

Christian Science for High School

Apologia Chemistry is a comprehensive curriculum set up in modules and broken down into experiments, course work, and tests. The book is all-inclusive of space for graphs, lab sheets, and notes. It is very clear and easy to understand the included guidelines on how to take proper scientific notes and lots of extra space to practice it! It supports me as well including a grade recording chart, daily schedule to follow to complete the entire course broken down by modules, and a quarterly tracking record to help me make sure she is on target with goals and deadlines. There are so many incredible benefits to this curriculum, I could go on and on!

He has made everything beautiful in His time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from the beginning to end!” Ecclesiastes 13:11

Apologia Chemistry Review Conclusion

It is important to me that my children succeed in our home classroom, but what is more important to me is their faith and understanding of God and his amazing creation. God made everything, including science and it’s important to give our children a deeper scientific of these truths when they are academically ready. This Apologia Chemistry course is a great course to take after Apologia Physical Sciece, This chemistry curriculum suits grades 10th-12th. I wish every child had access to such rich information available for them to be able to learn science and specifically chemistry through the lens of the Lord! What a pleasure it would be to see this curriculum being taught in schools all over the world. You are blessing your children immensely in the world of science when you choose Apologia chemistry and the kingdom and your teen will be better for it. Want a chance to win your own Apologia Chemistry curriculum and more? Enter below, two winners will be chosen. Good luck and happy homeschooling!

Two winners will be randomly chosen!

One will receive Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition, Advantage Set, including softcover textbook, Solutions and Tests Manual, and spiral-bound Student Notebook. ($119.95 value).

The other will receive Exploring Creation with Chemistry, 3rd Edition, SuperSet. This set includes softcover textbook, Solutions and Tests Manual, spiral-bound Student Notebook, and Video Instruction Thumb Drive, featuring Sherri Seligson as the instructor. ($319.95 value.)

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